You are welcome to worship and grow in your spiritual life at Epiphany. We are a church that trusts what God tells us about Himself in the Bible and is committed to both great commission and great commandment of Jesus Christ. We are Anglican Christians, which makes us part of the third largest Christian expression in the world. We are a congregation of the Anglican Church in North America and the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic.
AboutEpiphany is a very friendly and welcoming church that recognizes the power of prayer and God's activity in our lives. The preaching is excellent, the music is inspiring (hymns on the organ and praise band at communion), and the service has just the right level of tradition.
Jane B.
Epiphany moves sign-ups online; Thank you from Bishop Abraham Nhial; First Coates Food Delivery is next week; Epiphany and Centerpointe offering “Financial Peace University.”
The other part of the “whole armor of God” in Ephesians 6; Sign-Up for Epiphany events now open on our Church Center App; Family Camping Trip is coming up in […]
Fr. Peter shares how he has set aside time to be grateful to God every day; Senior Lunch beginning in September; South Sudan Bishop is visiting on Sunday; Coates food […]