New Church is Complete

Well, for once I’m (almost) speechless. After 25 months, untold hours of discernment, prayer, giving and working, Church of the Epiphany will begin worship at our new church building at 3863 Centerview Drive this Sunday.

Please come to see what God has done through us, and for Epiphany’s future Gospel ministry in Western Fairfax County. We’ll worship together this Sunday at 8 and 10:15 on Centerview Drive (click here for directions). There are still some final finishes to be completed, lots of moving in ahead of us next week, but this moment is a great milestone for our congregation.

Also, mark your calendars now for April 22. That’s the Sunday Bishop John will be coming to consecrate our new worship space and celebrate with us.

Friends, God has blessed us. He has led us on quite a journey to this first Sunday at our long-term home. I am thrilled to see us arrive at this mile marker, and looking forward to what God has for us next.

One more time – “Unless the Lord Builds the House!”


The Rev. Peter Frank

Rector, Church of the Epiphany

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