Epiphany Missionaries: The Hasiks, Young Life, Czech Republic

Editor’s Note:  Epiphany supports a number of missionaries at work around the world.  The Missions Committee is committed to introducing these missionaries and their stories to Epiphany from time to time.

By Betsey Kodat

Martin Hasik his wife, Jane, and their two daughters work for Young Life in Prague, the Czech Republic. They introduce Jesus to teenagers, one at a time. On a regular basis their staff teach English in schools, have Bible studies and discussion groups, host open gym times, have movie clubs, hold weekend activities such as scavenger hunts and photography seminars, as well as plan and prepare a summer language camp for students. Epiphany sent a youth team to help with this camp for four years in a row. Recently Young Life Prague formed a group which went to Macedonia for youth ministry.

In 2012, Martin moved from being the Area Director to being a Fundraiser for young Life Czech Republic. A little while later, he was diagnosed with leukemia. Though he is currently in remission, he has already gone through one relapse. Because of this illness, the Hasiks’ ministry has changed—mostly it has deepened because when people watch Martin suffer with faith, they know he is the real deal.

Here is a note from his latest blog (Cesta Udolim, In the Valley of the Shadow).

Dear friends,

It is over 40 days since the test results came back negative. I have not had to go to the hospital for a treatment one single day in January – after going daily for almost two months. What a great relief for my body and my soul. January 2013 is another new beginning.

German pastor Blumhardt shared this about his own journey through different sicknesses: “Illness has often let me to seek greater quietness, to seek anew the way God wants to lead me. People assume that after I get well I will take up the activities again in the old way.”

Over the last year I have been nervously hurrying things to go back to all my activities. Every month I asked my doctor “Can I go back to work now?” and he would shake his head and said “Not yet!” I tried to stay connected with all buzz of the Young Life activities, meeting leaders, students and friends, trying to be helpful and useful… In my life BC (before cancer) there have been a lot of bad habits, wrong assumptions, expectations….

But now I have no desire to go back to my old lifestyle!! I believe God wants me to change the way I lead myself and others to follow Him. I am learning that it is in quietness that I can experience Him through His Word and Holy Spirit (Is 30:15). I want to seek the kingdom first (Matt 6:33). May I ask that you pray with me for this change in my life? Thank you, Martin

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