A Thank-You to Epiphany’s Staff

The Rev. Peter FrankGood jobs almost always mean working with good people.  As I just completed my second year at Epiphany, I have been reflecting on the good people I get to work with.

Anne Bracy (Executive Assistant to the Rector):  If you ever wonder how Epiphany operates from day-to-day, the answer is Anne.  I deeply appreciate how she takes on tasks, such as relieving the nursery workers last Sunday so that they could be publicly thanked during the service, not because anyone asked her, or because the tasks are fun, but simply because they need doing.

Jimmy Crawford (Director of Music and Liturgy):  While everyone’s job at Epiphany has changed a lot over the last few years, Jimmy’s position has changed the most. You may not know it, but Jimmy, our musician, puts together the Sunday bulletins and the material for all of our readers and leaders.  He also gives me piano lessons – which I suspect is enough to earn anyone a special crown in heaven.

Michael Guernsey (Associate Minister for Discipleship):  Not only does Michael relieve me from being Epiphany’s youngest staff member, but over the last few months, we have all be deeply impressed with his maturity and his willingness both to learn how Epiphany works and suggest ways way can do things better.

Janice Monaghan (Finance Administrator):  Someone needs to make sure that we are good stewards of the gifts the congregation gives our church.  That someone is Janice.  She is always happy to help me, or anyone else, understand a financial transaction and is remarkably patient with the mistakes made by those of us who don’t think in numbers.

Robin Rauh (Rector):  Nobody at Epiphany works as hard as Robin.  What I particularly appreciate about working with him is his patience, his time-tested spiritual leadership, and his willingness to try new things even after more than 30 years as a priest – even when those new things are suggested by an opinionated associate rector who sometimes doesn’t know what he’s talking about (me).

David Welch (Deacon): Is someone in the hospital and needing a visit? Dave will be there.  Is there a hole in the wall because a door got slammed too hard? Dave will fix it.  Do we need help with a last-minute project? Dave will volunteer.  And here is the thing:  Dave works for free!  You wouldn’t know that if you looked at the many things he gets done during an average week.

There are of course lots of other people that make Epiphany work.  There is Tim Stromberg, who opens and closes the church building on Sunday.  There are ministry leads, outreach coordinators, musicians, and worship leaders.  The list goes on.  And I’m thankful for all of them.

God bless,


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