Christmas with Epiphany


As we celebrate Christmas, Epiphany is offering both livestream and in-person worship (sign-up required).

December Worship sign-up

Christmas Eve sign-up

Epiphany’s Livestream

Christmas Eve Worship Bulletin

Our regular in-person services are Wednesdays at noon and at 8:30 am on Sunday morning.  On Christmas Eve, we will have two services that will be both live-streamed and in-person at 5pm and 9pm.  Seating is very limited, so please sign up as soon as possible if you plan to attend.  We are following our plan for meeting together in a responsible way.  You can read details of what we are doing here (pdf).  Newcomers are always welcome at Epiphany.  Please sign-up using the links above.  We celebrate communion at both services in one kind (distributing consecrated bread only) – more information about how we will do this is in our plan (link above).  The Regathering Committee is evaluating the situation regularly and making changes that are appropriate.

Lessons and Carols:

We celebrated this special musical service on the livestream only this year.  It’s available for you to enjoy at any time here.

Christmas Drama:

As in past years, Epiphany’s kids are presenting a Christmas Drama this year.  This year we have filmed it in advance and will be sharing it at both the 5pm and 9pm Christmas Eve services.

Epiphany Gift:

We are delighted to continue our Christmas Eve offering designating a portion of it to a specific mission or outreach project. This year we have chosen a couple serving in Belgium with United World Mission, Daniel & Myriam Liberek.

Like many around the world in this unprecedented time, our ministry partners the Libereks, have had to launch virtual outreach and worship services for their church in Belgium, even while providing food and space for the hungry in their community.  Among European nations, Belgium has been hit particularly hard in the COVID-19 pandemic, and sickened many members of the Liberek’s congregation.  They have acquired the basic equipment needed like a camera, a used computer, some software, etc managing to continue outreach, albeit on a limited scale. But, they are conscious that they could do much better if there were an investment in more equipment.  Their technical team estimates that it would take about $3,000 to purchase hardware and software to be better equipped and more efficient.

Gifts can be received via mailed in checks to the church office or on Christmas Eve in the offering plate.

Carol Sing

Epiphany’s musicians will be leading an online carol-sing during Christmas week.  All are invited to join our livestream at 7pm on Dec. 30 and sing along.

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