Backpack Drive Update

Epiphany partners with WFCM (Western Fairfax Christian Ministries) to collect school backpacks for needy kids.  So far, people have dropped off 21 of the 50 backpacks we have committed to collect by August 16.


This year, the backpacks we collect will go to Liberty Middle School.  The WFCM counselor who heads this project has stressed that we collect “the larger sized backpacks with 2 compartments…like Jansport or High Sierra…because that’s what works for BIG students carrying LOTS of STUFF”.  There is a collection box near the front desk for depositing the backpacks.


If you have any questions, please call Sheila Mentzer at 703-860-4377 or 571-271-9689 (cell) or you can email Sheila at

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