“O Holy Night” – Christmas Services at Epiphany
Lessons and Carols on Dec. 18, as well as Christmas Eve service schedules for the 2016 Holiday Season.
Announcing the 2016 Epiphany Gift
Last year we began a new Christmas tradition at Epiphany – giving a gift on behalf of our whole church as part of our Christmas Eve offering. This is an important way for us as a church to share some of God’s great abundance to us with others. This year, we will be working with one of our church’s mission partners, Uganda Christian University in Mukono, Uganda, to help 11 of their college students continue their education.
Epiphany Star Newsletter for December, 2016
Announcing this year’s “Epiphany Gift,” Lessons and Carols is Dec. 18, Is our Christmas Tradition Right?, Prayer Retreat with Bishop Guernsey, AED/CPR Training, Year End Giving at Epiphany, Christmas Drama Planned, Update from the Joshua Committee.
The Epiphany Star Newsletter for November 2016
Prayers and Praises at Epiphany, Throw a “Matthew Party,” Details about Epiphany’s annual meeting on Nov. 13, vestry nomination biographies, a bylaw change for the congregation to consider at the annual meeting, Prayer, Praise and Pie for Thanksgiving, Pumpkin pictures from Oct. 30.
Epiphany Star Newsletter for October 2016
What kind of facility do we need for the future? Men’s ministry at Epiphany, mark your calendars for “Prayer, Praise and Pie” Resolution on the size of the vestry to be considered at our annual meeting, Rest in Peace: Ronald Harp Jr., Hot Meals ministry friends featured in the Washington Post, a Missions Update from the Browns in Niger, pictures from Epiphany’s Parish Weekend Oct. 1-2.
In Memory: Mr. Ronald Harp Jr.
Epiphany will remember Mr. Ronald Harp Jr. of Sterling, VA, on September 29 and 30. Ron died on September 21. There will be a visitation at the church (13515 Dulles Technology Dr., Herndon VA 20171) between 5 and 8 pm on Sept. 29. A funeral service for Ron will be at 10 am on Friday, September 30, also at the church. Burial is at 2pm on Sept. 30 at Quantico National Cemetery.
Seeing and Believing – Epiphany Parish Weekend Oct. 1-2
Did you know that God’s story can be told with colors? This coming October 1-2, Epiphany’s fall parish retreat will explore the ways that we can understand and share the good news of Jesus Christ through great works of visual art, particularly ones that we can see and share locally at the National Gallery of Art in Washington D.C.
September 2016 Epiphany Star Newsletter
Fr. Peter writes about what makes Epiphany a special church, Mtr. Pamela reports on our work to share Jesus with our neighbors, new Junior High ministry beginning, pictorial directory is now available, baptisms will be Sept. 18, seeking nominations for vestry, women’s fall Bible studies and events.
Epiphany Star Newsletter for August, 2016
A report from Epiphany’s summer youth mission trip, Epiphany’s video livestream gets a significant upgrade, Worship: why we do what we do on Sundays, vestry nominations needed, mission update from Uganda Christian University.
Epiphany Star Newsletter for July 2016
Staying Grounded in Unsettled Times, Coates Gift Cards – Why We Give, July 4th opportunities, Women’s Quiet Day, Worship Changes, Kingsfest photos, Evangelism update, Sanctuary Icons.