Ministry Spotlight: Marriage Mentors

Editors Note:  Ministry Spotlight is a monthly article focusing on the people and ministries of Epiphany.

By Keith and Carole Menzel

Since they are no longer two but one, let no one split apart what God has joined together. (Mathew 19:6)

The mission of the Marriage Mentors ministry is to promote lasting Christian marriages at Epiphany by assisting engaged couples to prepare for marriage and by supporting and encouraging existing marriages. Currently five Epiphany couples, Carole and Keith Menzel, Melanie and Tom Miller, Janice and Jim Wolfe, Shari and Ted Gregg and David and Linda Bassert, serve as mentors. These mentor couples use proven, biblically based materials and approaches to help couples evaluate their relationship, to share their own marriage life experiences, and to offer ongoing Christian friendship.

We value our own marriages and want to share our blessings! Marriage is meant to be a God-oriented, life-long, growing relationship. We walk beside you in your marital journey. Our mentoring involves warm and genuine empathy, prayer, and candid discussions. In confidential settings with married or engaged couples, mentors:

  • Give timely information
  • Model aspects of a Christian marriage
  • Challenge and motivate mentorees to move to higher levels
  • Direct mentorees to helpful resources
  • Help mentorees understand that their experiences are not unusual
  • Help mentorees set goals
  • Keep mentorees accountable to their goals
  • Periodically check mentorees’ status

The ministry also presents marriage retreats, social events and adult education. Our marriage retreats provide opportunities for couples to strengthen their marriage one-on-one and in small groups. Previous retreat themes included:

  • Fireproofing your marriage
  • Love and respect
  • Time starved marriage
  • Intimacy
  • Communication
  • Love languages

We help whenever couples would like to enrich their marriages. Ideally we begin preparing engaged couples six or more months before their wedding. Our marriage retreats are usually near Valentine’s Day. Watch for announcements about adult education, date nights and other offerings, or contact us (Keith and Carole Menzel) at (703) 709-7612 and/or


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