Freezing rain is predicted in our area tomorrow morning (Jan. 5). We have been watching forecasts and thinking about what that might mean for our scheduled worship service. Tom Will, Epiphany’s senior warden, and I have made the decision that as of now, we will be going ahead with the 10 am service. Because tomorrow is Epiphany Sunday, we had already planned that there would be no 8 am service, but instead we would worship together as an entire congregation at 10. That is still our plan. It appears temperatures will be above freezing in time for safe travel.

That said, please stay safe. If you ultimately decide that it is safest for you to stay home, tune into church using our internet video live stream. We will continue to monitor the weather, particularly first thing tomorrow morning. If the situation changes, we will post information on our Facebook page, on epiphanyanglican.net, and send out an e-mail.
God bless


The Rev. Peter Frank
Senior Associate Rector

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