Spiritual Gifts Workshop at Epiphany Oct. 18-19

For the church to truly function as the body of Christ, each believer needs to be intentionally using the Spiritual Gifts God has entrusted to him or her. On Friday night and Saturday morning, October 18 & 19, Doug Greenwold of Preserving Bible Times will lead us in a “Spiritual Gifts Workshop” which will explore Scripture’s teaching in a non-threatening way on the nature, role and significance of a balanced outworking of Spiritual Gifts in our corporate life together. All the Gifts will be explored and a profile questionnaire will be used to help each person discover the Gift or those Gifts each might possess, together with guidance on how to confirm and refine those Gift(s) for the glory of God.  Childcare will be available if requested.

The schedule is as follows:


6:30 PM Registration
7:00-9:45 PM Program


8:30 AM Registration
9:00 AM-12:15 PM Program


Individual    $25.00

Family           $10.00 per person (maximum of $45.00 for whole family)

Friends         $15.00

Scholarships are available.

Click here to register online.

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