What’s Happening at Epiphany


The Rev. Robin RauhWell we’ve begun a new year here at Epiphany and have some exciting things ahead. Let me share some of them:

SMALL GROUPS- We are continuing to grow them for the purposes of Bible Study, Fellowship and Prayer. Why is it important to be in a Small Group at Epiphany? The answer is because it is THE plan for adult Christian education. The reason you do not see Sunday morning adult CE is that we are looking to simplify and focus. If you are going to a small group, we don’t expect you to go to more Bible studies and take more time away from family. Many people, because of schedules or health restrictions cannot attend a Small Group, especially in the evening. We have started a new Small Group that meets in the conference room on Sunday morning at 9:00am. Please check it out and find a place to grow and care.

WORSHIP- We are preparing a year calendar of special events at Epiphany. For instance, we will be having four “reunion” Sunday’s this year. That means we’ll have one service on Holy Days like Easter and Pentecost together at 10:00am, with a brunch afterward and a special focus. Stay tuned.

VESTRY RE-PURPOSING- We now have a structure that replaces the old com- mission set up. It consists of working groups who join with staff to tackle projects as needs are identified. For instance, I needed help in putting together a Vestry Retreat. Two of our Vestry volunteered and in 40 minutes we had it all hammered out! It was great. We think our new way of doing things will also simplify things for our members. With the old system, you had to find a chart, locate your Vestry rep and then contact him/her. Now it’s as simple as call- ing office for information about everything from participating in ministry to get- ting information on how to become a member. Want to know what’s going on in a particular area? Just call the Office, 703 481-8601.

WEB SITE: Peter has been working with a developer for a web site that would reach out to our community and let them know of about Epiphany. I’ve seen some of the early design and it nice! Stay tuned for future developments on this. Epiphany is a great church. We have moved into our neighborhood to worship, grow and serve our neighbors. Our outreach has involved the whole church, which is wonderful to behold. Please continue to pray for God to work through us to the glory of our Lord.

– Fr. Robin

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