June 2016 Epiphany Star Newsletter
Some new worship patterns at Epiphany this summer, work beginning on a pictorial directory, focusing our mission at Coates Elementary, who does what at Epiphany? Epiphany welcomes new members, an introduction to Epiphany small groups, Israel trip information, missions update, and photos from the Alpha Course Holy Spirit Day Away…
We Remember: Memorial Sunday at Epiphany
This Sunday at Epiphany we will remember, as is right for us to do, those who have lost their lives in the conflicts of our nation. For some, or possibly even many of us, this will include people we know and love. We will remember in two ways. First, we will remember in our prayers. When we give thanks for those who have died “in the faith of Christ” this Sunday, we will give special thanks for those who gave their lives in military service. Secondly, when we take communion this Sunday, we will use two very special chalices from communion sets that were carried by military chaplains to the far corners the world.
Pentecost in the Park is this Sunday (May 15)
God takes care of His people, the church is more than a building, and we are all called to mission. We celebrate all of these things this Sunday as we worship and picnic together at the pavilion at Frying Pan Park (2739 West Ox Rd, Herndon, VA 20171) at 10 am.
Epiphany Star Newsletter for May, 2016
“Many Beautiful Things” – Fr. Peter writes about calling and the Christian Life, Epiphany welcomes the Rev. Pamela Meeks as our next associate rector, a report from Maggie McNeely, one of Epiphany’s missionaries, an update on this year’s stewardship campaign, opportunity for baptism at Epiphany in June and photos from our baptism Sunday in April, Pentecost in the Park is May 15.
The Rev. Pamela Meeks Called to Serve as Associate Rector
I am excited to welcome the Rev. Pamela Meeks to our permanent staff at Church of the Epiphany! Mtr. Pamela will begin working as Epiphany’s Associate Rector on May 1. This position will involve a significant step up in ministry for her and for our church as she moves from part-time work maintaining ministry during an interim period to bringing her expertise, energy and enthusiasm to bear on the full time Associate Rector’s position. Look for her to offer Epiphany leadership in equipping our church to be effective in evangelism, and more visible in our neighborhood as well as leading our youth and children’s ministry.
Epiphany Star Newsletter for April 2016
Sharpening our Vision, Epiphany is Going to Israel, Associate Search Update, Speaking to a Fearful Soul, Missions Update Sudan, Spring Women’s Retreat, Alpha off to a Strong Start, Easter Photos!
The Alpha Course is Coming to Epiphany!
The Alpha Course is coming to Church of the Epiphany in Herndon, VA beginning on March 29, 2016.
Epiphany Newsletter for March, 2016
What Comes First: Alpha, Baptisms scheduled in April and June, Missions update from Belgium, Holy Week and Easter Schedule of services at Epiphany, Lutherans and Anglicans together, Pentecost in the Park in May, Joshua Committee seeking member.
Ash Wednesday Services at Noon and 7:30pm
Epiphany will mark the beginning of Lent with Ash Wednesday services at noon and 7:30 on Wednesday, February 10. “I invite you, therefore, in the name of the Church, to the observance of a holy Lent…”
It’s World Mission Sunday
This is World Mission Sunday. We are featuring the Free Wheelchair Mission, an organization that provides free wheelchairs in third world countries in the name of Christ. Our own Christopher Rauh helped put a shipment of them together while in Iraq. Help us send some chairs to those crawling on the ground or confined to bed. There are 100 million people in the world that would love the freedom and mobility we take for granted. Epiphany’s Missions Committee will have more information about this ministry in the fellowship area after the service.