Fred Apelquist is New Small Group Ministry Leader

Fred Apelquist has agreed to fill Scott Reiter’s place as the interim coordinator for small group ministries at Epiphany. Before his death, Scott served our church in many ways, and we are going to continue to greatly miss him and his leadership. That said, I am grateful to Fred for being willing to pick up this work for the rest of the year. Fred has served effectively as our small group coordinator in the past, and firmly believes in this ministry. So, if you’re a small group leader and need help finding a good curriculum, talk with Fred. If you’re interested in Epiphany’s many small group ministries, also talk with Fred.

Charged is July 26

Please join us July 26th at 5pm for our next installment of Charged!

Backpack Collection Begins

Epiphany partners with WFCM (Western Fairfax Christian Ministries) to collect school backpacks for needy kids. All this is a coordinated effort designed to assist students who are on free or reduced cost lunch programs and to make sure that they receive the backpacks and supplies they need.

July 2015 Epiphany Star Newsletter

Responding to the Supreme Court, Summer Discipleship Series begins July 8, Epiphany Supports Coates Elementary Field Day, Missions update from Andy Fetzer, Backpack drive begins.

Congregational Health Team Needs You!

The Congregational Health Team wants to hear from you! Thanks to those who participated in our first Focus Group session. We are hosting two more sessions at the 9am hour on June 28 and July 12.

Empower Parents Gathering

We will be having an “Empowering Parents” gathering on Sunday, June 28 after the 10am service at church in the large children’s classroom. The purpose of this time together is to encourage you and provide you with some good resources to help you disciple your own children into mature followers of Jesus. Parents play the single most significant role in that process and Epiphany wants to support, encourage, and partner with you in that crucial calling.

Summer Discipleship Series Begins July 8

Jesus doesn’t love us because we’re good. At the same time, we are called to be good because Jesus loves us. Thus summer, we will be exploring this call to goodness, that is to live a life of a certain character, at our summer teaching series beginning at 6pm on July 8.

You are Invited to Dinner with One of Epiphany’s Missionaries June 17

There is an opportunity to have dinner with Steve and Nancy Brown, two missionaries to Niger that Epiphany has supported for many years, this Wednesday. The Browns do work in the areas of evangelism and water development among the Fulani people.

Donuts at Focus Groups!

The congregational health team is calling together focus groups to help them learn more about Epiphany from its members at 9am on Sunday June 14, June 28, and July 12. You only need to attend one Sunday session. There will be donuts

Epiphany Star Newsletter for June 2015

Fr. Peter’s column on “Who we are and Where we are Going,” Help Wanted: Summer Ministry Intern, photos of the Men’s Retreat and Pentecost Picnic, and a missions update from Fran Boyle.

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