You are Invited to Dinner with One of Epiphany’s Missionaries June 17

There is an opportunity to have dinner with Steve and Nancy Brown, two missionaries to Niger that Epiphany has supported for many years, this Wednesday. The Browns do work in the areas of evangelism and water development among the Fulani people. For more information, contact Helen Norton by noon on June 17.

Steve grew up in the US but spent his secondary school years in Belgium and France. He has an undergraduate degree in Geology from UNC-CH and a Hydrogeology Masters degree from the Univ of AZ. He served in Togo for 2 years in water development projects and then worked in the US in hazardous waste remediation. He has been living in Niger for 13 years along with Nancy and their two sons Bryce and Joel. Nancy lived her youth in Roanoke Virginia. She attended nursing school at UNC-CH where she met Steve. She practiced nursing in Arizona while Steve completed his Master’s degree and then again after returning from Togo. She has been the principal home schooler of their two sons on remote stations in Niger. Their son Bryce is a sophomore at Wheaton College and their son Joel is a senior at Sahel Academy.

Twelve of the thirteen years the Brown’s have served in Niger have been dedicated to evangelism efforts among the Fulani people. The initial six year were invested in the lives of people in the Tahoua region and more recent six years in the East of Niger in Goure. Steve has served as team leader for the team of missionaries striving to reach the Fulani and also Regional director for missionaries serving in the East of Niger. Steve has used his expertise in building wells to provide water for Fulani in areas which are lacking a water supply. Steve has partnered with the local evangelist and pastor to reach out to not just the Fulani but also the unreached Manga people of East Niger. Nancy’s role has been largely one of providing a support staff in a remote location in addition to a ministry of hospitality, back-yard health care and home schooling.


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