From Fr. Robin: Chili Cook Off & Annual Meeting is Sunday, April 14

As we move into spring, it’s time for our annual Celebration Sunday. There will be a short meeting intended to bring us up to date with where we are and where we’re going as Epiphany Anglican.  Following the meeting there will be a time of fun and sharing a pot luck meal at the annual Epiphany Chili Cook-off – and the selection of this year’s best chili – a long and glorious tradition at Epiphany.  If you are not a chili cook, please bring a salad, side-dish or desert to share.  Please bring your chili in a crockpot.

I’m looking forward to the time together.                        Robin+

Welcome – Robin, Thank you, Vision for Future
Finance –  Scott
Aid and Assistance
New Vestry Structure – Tom
Stewardship – Tom
Prayer- Lunch & Fun
Pot Luck Chili Cook-off

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