Epiphany Upgrades Live Video Feed of Sunday Worship

Every Sunday, somewhere between a half dozen and dozen people worship with Epiphany by taking advantage of the Livestream video webcast of our service. In the past, that video has been passable, but lower quality, and included advertisements over which Epiphany had no control

Starting this Sunday, July 20, we have upgraded our service by removing advertisements and increasing the image quality of the video. If you are unable to come to church on Sunday, joining Epiphany for worship over the internet is simple. Go to www.epiphanyanglican.net and click on the link that says “Live Video Feed” on the right hand side of the homepage. You can also go directly to www.new.livestream.com/epiphanyanglican. Epiphany livestreams its 10 am (EST) worship service.

“Thanks to Ron Harp, Ralph Morris and Ross Cummings for the leadership they provide for our sound and video ministry. It’s great to see our video webcast improved, particularly given the key role it plays in connecting Epiphany members who are homebound, facing medical conditions, or are traveling, with our worship,” said the Rev. Peter Frank, Epiphany’s senior associate rector.

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