Epiphany Welcomes Daryl Fenton This Sunday

A note from the Rev. Peter Frank, Epiphany’s Senior Associate Rector

DarylFentonThis Sunday, the Rev. Canon Daryl Fenton, National Director for CMJ (The Church’s Ministry among Jewish People), will be preaching at Epiphany.  CMJ is an international Anglican mission society.

Daryl is a close friend and mentor of mine with a particular gift for evangelism.  I’m excited to welcome him to Epiphany.

Daryl previously served as Canon to Archbishop Robert Duncan of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), overseeing mission relationships nationally and internationally. He also served as Canon and Chief Operating Officer for the Anglican Communion Network (ACN), a founding organization of the ACNA.

From 1988 until 2000 Daryl served as President and partner of Exporters Inc., a business building a trade and marketing company in then Communist Yugoslavia to support mission there. . The business eventually extended to Central Europe and other Balkan countries as a result of the Yugoslav war.  During this period Dudley Office Products, the UK’s third largest office products company, engaged him to develop their European expansion in Europe.  After returning to the US, he served as Director of Church Relations for Trinity Seminary from 2003 until joining the ACN in 2005.

His earlier career included serving as General Manager of The Berghoff Restaurant Chicago’s oldest and largest. While there, he led a team planting a church that met in the historic, downtown restaurant.  Upon returning to Wheaton for graduate studies, he served as Associate Director of the Chapel of the Air radio broadcast.

Join me this Sunday as we welcome Daryl,


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