Epiphany Women’s Retreat May 17-19

Last day to register is May 5.

Women of Epiphany please plan to join us May 17-19 at Wabanna Camp and Conference Center in Edgewater, Maryland, for a weekend of faith and female fellowship building. Our guest speaker will be Judy Reamer. Judy is an author and conference speaker whose search for spiritual truth and lasting peace took her down various roads. Judy was born Jewish, but no one she knew talked about the God of her fathers. Even the Rabbi’s references to God were intellectual, not relational. The truth of the Messiah ended Judy Reamer’s search down the avenues of traditional Judaism and the occult. She joyfully shares the ways of God with unreserved frankness and simple practicality all over the country. Her teachings come from life experiences that illustrate the magnificence of God and the reality of the Bible. Judy resides in Atlanta, GA and is a widow with four grown children. Judy’s bestselling book, FEELINGS WOMEN RARELY SHARE (newly revised), boldly confronts an often avoided female issue—sexual temptation. Timely and revealing, the message is one every woman should read at least once.

Please sign up if you are interested in attending.  Cost for the weekend is $150 and includes lodging and food. Then pick up a registration form and drop your check in the envelope provided at the sign-up table. Registration is open to all women, including your high school age- daughters and college-age ladies. If you have any questions or need help with funding, please contact Beth Monroe or Maggie Marcum for more information:  cvmonroe@verizon.net or maggieepiphanyvestry@gmail.com  Last day to register is May 5.

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