Epiphany’s Rector Candidate for Bishop of Pittsburgh

Friends at Epiphany,

With the diocese’s own announcement this morning, I can now let you know that I have been selected as one of three nominees to be the next bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh.

The Franks love Epiphany. I am deeply grateful to be your rector. This past summer, several friends in the Diocese of Pittsburgh asked me if I would agree to be nominated to be their next bishop. After a great deal of prayer and many quiet conversations about what is needed there, it seemed right to let my name go forward. Since then, we have gone through the process of the Diocese of Pittsburgh narrowing the field of candidates to final nominations, background checks, and even a visit to Epiphany (they were very impressed with you!).

Clergy and lay representatives from every congregation in the Diocese of Pittsburgh will gather to choose one of the nominees as their next bishop on April 30. After the election, the bishop-elect will need to be confirmed by the Anglican Church in North America’s College of Bishops in late June and then consecrated on August 6.

If I were to be elected, my hope would be to remain at my post as your rector here at Epiphany into the summer and of course aid and serve the vestry and congregation in every way I can between now and then. Being your pastor is the calling I have from God right now. If the diocese discerns that one of the other two candidates is who God has for them, I expect to happily continue serving as your pastor at Epiphany.

Over the months ahead, can I ask you to pray for me, Andrea, Cecilia, and Clare as we all go through this time of discernment? Please pray for Epiphany, the Diocese of Pittsburgh and the other nominees, the Rev. Dr. Joel Scandrett and the Rev. Alex Cameron, as well.

I am confident that if we do our part, God will guide our steps, and give the church the leaders and pastors it needs in the places it needs them.

God bless,

The Rev. Peter Frank, rector

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