Exciting Fall Ahead at Epiphany

Parish weekend, special preachers, Evensong upcoming

Epiphany has a full Fall schedule of opportunities for spiritual growth, learning and time together as a congregation.

Coates Food Collection:  As we did last school year, Epiphany will be collecting food each month for hungry kids at Coates Elementary School.

Special Preachers:  On September 15 we will welcome Stan Wallace, of Global Scholars (global-scholars.org), a mission agency that Epiphany supports.  On October 20, Doug Greenwold, of Preserving Bible Times (preservingbibletimes.org) will be preaching.  On November 17, the Rev. Canon Daryl Fenton, of Church Mission to the Jews (cmj-usa.org) will join us.

Parish Weekend:  All of Epiphany is invited to our annual parish weekend October 18-19.  This year, Doug Greenwold will be teaching about spiritual gifts.  More information and registration materials will be made available in the weeks ahead.

Confirmation:  Fr. Michael will be teaching a confirmation class for youth beginning this October.  More information will be made available in the weeks ahead.

Evensong:  Epiphany’s choir and clergy will be marking All Saints Day with a beautiful choral Evensong service on November 3 at 7pm.

Vestry Elections:  We will be electing three new members to the vestry (Epiphany’s governing board) during a special meeting after the 10 am service on November 10.

Charged:  Our next Charged evening, when Epiphany members share their artistic talents and a meal together, is October 27.

Potlucks:  Enjoy a casual meal with Epiphany on September 29 and November 24.




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