Holy Week Schedule and Worship Books

All Holy Week and Easter services at Epiphany will be livestreamed this year.  Epiphany’s livestream services can be found at www.livestream.com/epiphanyanglican and also on our church facebook page (www.facebook.com/epiphany.anglican). This is what we are planning.

Maundy Thursday:  This year we will be marking Maundy Thursday with the Tenebrae service at 7pm.  Tenebrae, which means “darkness” is an adaptation of afternoon and evening prayer services as celebrated in Holy Week.  This is a reflective and somber service that reminds us of Christ’s suffering through psalms and readings. Tenebrae Worship Bulletin (pdf).

Good Friday:  At noon, we will offer the Good Friday service. Good Friday Worship Bulletin (pdf).

Prayer Vigil:  This year’s prayer vigil will begin at noon on Good Friday and end at 7pm on Holy Saturday.  We ask people to sign-up to pray remotely for one-hour shifts from where they are during this time.  You may participate as individuals or a family.  A prayer guide will be provided as we pray for the church, our nation’s leaders, those who are suffering and those who do not yet know Christ.  Please sign up using the Signup Genius page here. and/or contact Brad Johnson (bravhorn22@aol.com/703-599-2709) for more information.

Holy Saturday:  At noon, we will mark Holy Saturday using the form of worship for this day. Holy-Saturday Worship Bulletin (pdf).

Easter Day:  Easter worship this year will be livestreamed at 10:15 am on Easter Sunday. Easter Sunday Worship Bulletin (final).


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