“Learning to Pray” – Backpacking Overnight with Fr. Robin May 23-24

I lift up my eyes to the hills.
    From where does my help come?
My help comes from the Lord,
    who made heaven and earth.   Psalm 12:21

When: May 23-24
Where: Sky Meadows State Park (30 miles west)
What: A one-mile backpack hike to tent camping. Short walks along with teaching on prayer, solitude and journaling.
Who: Led by Fr. Rauh for anyone 16 years and above.

Each year when the weather gets nice, I (Fr. Robin) enjoy leading a small group of men and women on an overnight to learn about some aspect of Christian faith. This spring we’ll be focusing on learning how to pray. Being in natural surroundings opens up the heart to hear God through the absence of city noise and the appreciation of God’s creation.

This short time begins with a gentle 1.5 walk through lush meadows and gentle slopes to a campsite where we pitch our tents. That evening we have supper a chance to talk and have Evening Prayer together. The next day (Saturday) there are many options depending on the group. One is a prayer walk that involves a series of short teachings followed by solitude and journaling. Being at the foot of the Appalachian Trail we can climb to the top of the hills or spend the time on some shorter less strenuous walks. The time ends with lunch and departure at noontime after prayer.

The sign up is at the church (six participants max) or email Robin at rrauh@epiphanyanglican.net.

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