“Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled”

Editor’s Note: The Rev. Peter Frank is Epiphany’s Senior Associate Rector.

We are dealing with a lot of stress this week.  The partial government shutdown means that a number of us are out of work and not sure when we will go back.  We are politically divided about why this happened and who is to blame.

And, we are doing what people do when they are stressed out.  We are more likely to be short with each other.  We will get in arguments we didn’t intend to have.  We lose sight of things that are good in our lives.

I have seen all of these things active this week in our community and at Epiphany; in me, and in other people. While there is not much we can do about how the politics play out 28 miles away on Capitol Hill, we can take a moment and recognize how they are playing out inside of us.  We can also hear the words of Jesus, words he spoke to his stressed out, beaten down little group of followers in John 14.

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.  Not as the world gives do I give to you.  Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid” (John 14.27)

These words are for us too.  These words are for us particularly in weeks like these, where there does seem to be a lot of trouble.  They remind us that one thing we can always have from Jesus is peace; that is the confidence that we are in His hands and that he loves us.  We simply need to ask, and then receive it.

So, friends, if this week you find yourself, or those around you in need of peace, let’s ask for it.  Let’s ask Jesus.  We can’t control events, but we can accept the gift of peace Jesus has always offered his disciples.

God bless,


P.S.  If you find yourself or your family in practical need in the weeks ahead; we do have a benevolence fund at Epiphany.  For more information call the office 703-481-8601.

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