Love is a Risk

This last May our family dog, Napoleon, died. We had only had him for six months, but his death at a year-and-a-half old was traumatic and painful.

At the time, it was hard to even imagine getting another dog. Yet, over this past summer and into the fall that started to change. A few weeks ago we brought home four-month-old Copper from a local animal shelter (pictured right).

On one hand, from the moment Copper came home, I know that God willing, I will outlive him as well. Not only that, but the more successful we are at incorporating Copper into our family, the more painful his eventual death will be.

That is the paradox of love. When we love, we invest ourselves in someone or something else. And when we invest we accept the risk (or in this case, surety) that someday our investment will be lost.

Is it worth it? Absolutely! Already, having Copper around has changed the dynamic of our house (and encouraged us to put our shoes away). We smile more. We laugh at his antics. Taking care of Copper helps all four of us in the Frank family to look beyond ourselves.

Friends, love is a risk, particularly in this world where death is a reality. Love and loss do go together. But love is worth the risk. More importantly, love is a risk God takes with each of us, “For God so loved the world…” (John 3.16). Is there a place in your life that you might be called to take the risk of love again? Think about it.

God Bless,

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