Ministry Spotlight: Music At Epiphany

Editors Note:  Ministry Spotlight, written by Epiphany vestry member and professional journalist Christopher Johnson is a monthly article focusing on the people and ministries of Epiphany.

By Christopher Johnson

“Oh come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!”  Psalm 95:1

Epiphany values music as a gift from God, given for our enjoyment, as well as being a strategic tool for strengthening believers and reaching nonbelievers.

The Epiphany Music Ministry, led by Director of Music Jimmy Crawford, is made up of many parts that enrich and transform worship.

The Choir

In addition to leading Sunday worship and offering musical selections, Epiphany’s choir collaborates with Epiphany’s clergy to lead a service of Evensong once a quarter and, on occasion, requiems or other extended choral pieces in conjunction with other churches. These events give the choir a chance to prepare an extended work that may not be suited to the Sunday morning liturgy but that contributes to the spiritual growth of the congregation.

Rehearsals are every Thursday night at 7:30 p.m. at the church and are open to everyone.

Choirs have a long history of leading worship. Many references to a choir of men and boys singing and playing instruments can be found in the Old Testament. Worship in the early Christian church drew on these models that had become a part of worship. During the Middle Ages, choirs continued to play an important role in the liturgical practice of the Christian church, particularly with the advent of polyphonic (multi-layered, more complex) music. By the time of the Reformation, singing the liturgy had become the purview of the priests and choirs.

Church Musicians

Know how to play an instrument? Epiphany has a talented pool of musicians playing guitar, percussion, piano and other instruments. Annually for Lessons and Carols, Bradley Johnson gathers a group of brass musicians to add to the beautiful seasonal music.

Rehearsals are every Thursday night at 6 p.m. at the church.

Chime Choir

Led by Wyndy Frederick, the Epiphany Chime Choir plays beautiful music year round with the occasional offertory and selection for the Evensong services. This is a wonderful way for people to express their love of Christ through music. No prior music experience is necessary and is an excellent way to learn a new hobby.

Rehearsals are usually held after the 10 a.m. Sunday service behind the choir loft.

People of all ages are free to join these groups. Please contact Jimmy Crawford ( or 703-481-8601) to learn more.

Other “Ministry Spotlight Articles”

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