Ministry Spotlight: Women’s Ministry

Editors Note:  Ministry Spotlight, written by Epiphany vestry member and professional journalist Christopher Johnson is a monthly article focusing on the people and ministries of Epiphany.

By Christopher Johnson

“She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.”

Proverbs 31:26

For many, the term “women’s ministry” conjures up all kinds of impressions of bulletins and websites with cuddly puppies or bake sales. For others, it’s the memory of frowning church ladies every Sunday. At Epiphany, the ministry is to provide a means for the Women of Epiphany to reach out to their neighbors and friends and introduce them to Christ in a friendly, familiar environment.

The Epiphany Women’s Ministry umbrella includes:

* Bible Studies

* Epiphany Readers Book Club

* Journaling

* Tabitha’s Threads

* Secret Sisters

* Women’s Annual Retreat

The Women’s Ministry offers three bible study groups: Pat Meyers hosts one Mondays at 8 a.m., Andrea Frank hosts one for young mothers at the church at 10 a.m. and Gin Edmonds hosts a group at 10 a.m. Mondays and 7 a.m. Thursdays at her home. The bible study groups offer a great chance to get to know one another and to minister to the prayer needs of each other.

Sherrie Will and the Epiphany Readers book club offer a chance to meet at Barnes & Noble in Fair Lakes at 10 a.m. every third Friday to discuss a book selection each month.

Interested in tracking God’s work in your life? Melanie Miller hosts a journaling group every third Thursday around 10 a.m. at Debbie Morris’s home. Faith Fisler also hosts a group every fourth Friday at 10 a.m. with locations varying.

Tabitha’s Threads, hosted by Cindie Humenik, meets at the church every second Friday at 10 a.m. The group meets to create blankets, etc. with a certain pattern which is then given to short-term mission teams to deliver to those in need. They also make blankets for the newly baptized.

Secret Sisters, led by Marilyn Tangonan, works with women receiving the name of another lady in the church that they can send cards or gifts to and pray for. In the meantime, her name is given to another woman who will do the same for her. After a set number of months, everyone who signed up for the program reveals themselves to each other. The intent is to get to know other ladies of the church and encourage them.

The Women’s Ministry attracts women of all ages. Stephanie Monroe decided to give it a try in 2011. “I became involved spring of 2011 going to the Women’s retreat. It has given me more of an idea of who I am as a Christian woman through helping plan two women’s retreats with my mom.”

Maggie Marcum started out thinking the ministry was not for her. But her experience on the retreat changed her mind. “In May 2012 Beth Monroe convinced me to come and help her with the retreat. By the end of the weekend, I had spent time with some of the funniest, kindest and loving women I have ever met. Today I have some wonderful friendships with the ladies at Epiphany.”

She added that the ladies of Epiphany should give the ministry a chance because “God is growing us together for His good. God works wonders in changing all our lives.”

Has Jesus called you to encourage other women through this ministry? Inviting women into deeper community with each other and with Jesus is worth your time and your heart.

For more information on the Women’s Ministry and upcoming events, contact Carol Williams at or 703.476.0293.

Other “Ministry Spotlight Articles”

Men’s Ministry


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