New Vestry Members, New Deacon

On Nov. 10, we elected three people to three-year terms on Epiphany’s vestry at our annual meeting.  The vestry is Epiphany’s governing body and has oversight over the church’s budget, staff and strategic direction in cooperation with me as the Rector.  The newly elected vestry members are Jim Boggs and Bill Hoover.  They begin their service on January 1, when Douglas Greenwood and Debby Morris complete their vestry terms.  Lisa Baehr, who has been serving a one-year term in place of a former vestry member who moved out of the area, was re-elected to a three-year term as well.
I’m grateful for our new vestry members and returning member, as well as those who are retiring at the end of the year, and ask that you join me in praying for them as they join in the leadership of our church.
I am also glad to announce that with Bishop John’s permission, Deacon Sally Hoover will be ministering as a parish deacon at Epiphany alongside Dcn. Dave Welch.  Dcn. Sally and her husband, Bill, have been worshipping at Epiphany for a bit more than a year now.  Initially, you will see Dcn. Sally assisting at Sunday worship from time to time, and continue in her current role of leading worship at Arbor Terrace on occasion.  Please welcome Dcn. Sally as she takes on this new role at our church.

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