Holy Week and Easter at Epiphany

Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday on March 24. We will worship together at both the 8 and 10:15am. Maundy Thursday, when we remember the Last Supper, will be at […]

Palms On Sunday – Epiphany Newsletter for March 22-28.

Palm Sunday is this Sunday; Holy Week schedule, Bishop Chris’ sermon from last Sunday; Prayer Vigil sign up; livestream link change

“Dementia and Christian Hope” Videos Now Available

On March 2, Epiphany heard from Dr. Karen Scandrett, a geriatrician at UPMC, and associate professor of geriatrics at the University of Pittsburgh, and the Rev. Dr. Joel Scandrett, associate […]

Law and Gospel: Epiphany News for Feb. 29 – March 7

Fr. Peter reflects on hearing the Ten Commandments during Lent; Last Chance to Sign-Up for “With All Your Mind: Dementia and Christian Hope” retreat March 2-3; 90th Birthday Open house […]

Joining – Epiphany Weekly Newsletter for Feb. 22 – 29

Bishop Chris will be receiving new Anglicans and blessing those reaffirming their faith when he visits on March 17; Last week to sign up for Epiphany’s “Dementia and Christian Hope” […]

Beginning Lent – Epiphany Newsletter for Feb. 16-23

Lent has begun and with it worship on Sunday will become quieter and more reflective; sign-up remains open for “Dementia and Christian Hope” retreat March 2-3; Pictures from this past […]

God and the Sprinkler System – Epiphany News for Feb. 11 – 18

Fr. Peter writes about a crisis averted; Ash Wednesday services are at noon and 7pm on Wednesday Feb. 14; Pancake Palooza is Tuesday, Feb. 13; Sign-up for Dementia and Christian […]

Epiphany Livestream moves to YouTube Feb 18th

Our current live streaming service is ending operations, so we are moving to a new platform. We will be moving to YouTube starting February 18. What does this mean to you? If you […]

Dementia and Hope – Epiphany Newsletter for Feb. 2 – 11

Details about “With All Your Mind – Dementia and Christian Hope” which is Epiphany’s congregational retreat title for March 2-3; A thank-you from Joyce and Scott for our congregation’s part […]

God’s Absence – Epiphany News for Jan. 25 – Feb. 1

How do we move forward in our faith when we don’t feel God’s presence with us?  Anglicanism 101 Class begins on Feb. 11; Uganda Christian University banquet at Epiphany is […]

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