Need a Bible to Share?

There are evangelism materials, including Bibles, on the table in the reception area to take and give to someone who would benefit.

Small Group Contact Form
Epiphany Pentecost Potluck Picnic this Sunday!

All are welcome to enjoy a potluck picnic after the 10 am service on Sunday. Please bring a dish to share if you are able.

Pentecost May 24

Pentecost Sunday is coming up on May 24th. This year, we will be at the church, not the park, and we will have both an 8 and 10 am service.

Coates Field Day Volunteers Needed: June 8

Coates Elementary School has reached out to Epiphany asking for volunteers to help run their Field Day on Monday, June 8th. Lots of volunteers are needed to help in a […]

Epiphany Star Newsletter for May 2015

“The Challenge of Easter: What if it All Ends Well?” a column by Epiphany’s rector, a report on Epiphany’s Lenten Mite Box project, new “Epiphany Chili Champions” crowned, location change for Pentecost worship, Evensong on May 17, and photos from Epiphany spring retreats.

Stewardship Campaign is off to an Encouraging Start

Epiphany’s annual stewardship campaign got off to a very encouraging start on April 26.  Our hope is to have this year’s pledges in hand over the next few weeks to […]

It’s Stewardship Sunday

April 26, was Stewardship Sunday at Epiphany. Our campaign this year is off to a very encouraging start. If you are in our membership database, you should have received a stewardship packet in the mail. If you are not in our database but would like a packet, we have extras available on the table in the greeting area. Pledge cards may be placed in the offering plate any time over the next few weeks.

Men’s Weekend May 1-3

Information about the upcoming men’s retreat.

April 2015 Epiphany Star Newsletter

Updates from Fr. Peter on many events over the next several weeks, including retreats for youth, women and men, our stewardship campaign, and annual meeting, photos from the 30 Hour Famine outreach by Epiphany’s youth, Holy Week and Easter schedule, mission update from Maggie McNeely, and details on a proposed bylaw change to be discussed at the annual meeting.

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