By unanimous decision of the vestry and with the approval of Bishop John Guernsey, Church of the Epiphany has called the Rev. Peter Frank to be Epiphany’s next rector. Fr. Frank will begin his service as rector on August 31, after the retirement of the Rev. Robin Rauh, Epiphany’s current rector.
“The consensus of the vestry was that Peter was both knowledgeable and humble; honest about his strengths and weaknesses; it was abundantly clear that he deeply loves the Lord, his family and Epiphany; he demonstrated a deep understanding about what makes Epiphany special and the issues that face us now and in the future; he provided the vestry with a well thought out overview of a variety of areas of the operations and ministries of Epiphany – along with possible avenues of approach,” wrote Tom Will, senior warden, and Merle Stromberg, junior warden, in their letter announcing the decision.
Fr. Frank has served Epiphany since January of 2011 as the senior associate rector. He holds a Master of Divinity degree from Trinity School for Ministry in Ambridge, Pennsylvania, and a B.A. in Classical Studies and Religion from Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota. Before his ordination, Fr. Frank worked as a newspaper editor in Minnesota, and then as a communications director in Pennsylvania. Fr. Frank is married to Andrea, and they have two children, Cecilia and Clare.
“We’re thrilled to be called to continued ministry at Epiphany,” said Fr. Frank. “We ask for your prayers and support as we first thank Fr. Robin for his faithful service over the next month, and then trust God to continue to build our church as we go forward in ministry this fall here in Herndon,” he added.
A letter from Epiphany’s Wardens is available here.
A letter from Fr. Peter to the congregation is available here.