The Rev. Michael Guernsey Named Epiphany’s Associate Rector

The Rev. Michael Guernsey will serve as Epiphany's Associate Rector
The Rev. Michael Guernsey will serve as Epiphany’s Associate Rector.

I’m thrilled to announce that, with the confirmation of the vestry today (September 21), I have called the Rev. Michael Guernsey to be Epiphany’s new Associate Rector.  Michael will start in this new position immediately.

Michael has more than proven his gifts in ministry and his commitment to Epiphany over his two years of service as our associate minister for discipleship.  I’m very happy that he will move up to this position of increased responsibility and assist me in leading Epiphany.

While Michael’s title will change and his responsibilities grow, other things will remain as they are.  For instance, Michael will continue to lead Epiphany’s ministry to youth and children.  These areas of ministry are a particular priority for us at Epiphany, and we will continue to look to Michael to shape our efforts in that area.

Please pray for Michael, as well as Tracy and Caleb, as he takes on this new role.  Also join us at church next Sunday when we welcome Michael to his new role as part of our worship.   Please also thank Janice Wolfe, Ron Harp, George Hamlin, Merle Stromberg, and Mark Oliphant who worked with me in building a job description for the new associate rector position and considering Michael’s candidacy.

God Bless,

The Rev. Peter Frank

A Note from Fr. Michael

I am pleased and greatly honored to be called as Epiphany’s new Associate Rector. This has been a season of transitions, and I am happy with this new step in my calling as a priest and that my family will remain at Epiphany. There is work to be done and I am excited to be a part of it.

In my role as Associate Rector I will continue my work with the Children’s and Youth Ministries as well as taking on new responsibilities in the wider congregation. I look forward to continuing what has been successful as well as being a part of exciting new steps at Epiphany.

Tracy, Caleb and I are happy to be part of this church family as we advance God’s kingdom here in Herndon and beyond.




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