Thank You! Christmas Eve Outreach Report

A note from the Rev. Peter Frank, Epiphany’s senior associate rector.

Starting this past November we encouraged you to invite friends and family members to church for Christmas Eve.  Led by the visibility committee (Cynthia Aungst, Allison Hammond, Daniel Johnson and Catherine Zimmerman), we distributed hundreds of postcards with service information, invited our neighbors at Kendrick Court to join us for worship and provided rides for those who otherwise wouldn’t have been able to be out on Christmas Eve. It worked! We had 35 more people attend our two Christmas Eve services this year than last year. This equals an attendance increase of a bit over 10 percent.

I personally know of one person you invited who was back at church with us the Sunday after Christmas because they heard the Gospel at Epiphany and wanted to hear more.

“Eighty-two percent of the unchurched are at least somewhat likely to attend church if invited.” Says Dr. Thom Rainer in The Unchurched Next Door.  Thanks for taking the first step.

God bless,


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