Summer Internship: Experience Ministry at Epiphany
Epiphany hopes to hire a young adult member of our church to work as a half-time staff intern for six weeks this summer (July 1 – August 15). This internship helps Epiphany by providing support for important summer programs like our sports camp in early August and offers Epiphany young adults a way to experience firsthand what it is like to work at a church.
“Learning to Pray” – Backpacking Overnight with Fr. Robin May 23-24
Each year when the weather gets nice, I (Fr. Robin) enjoy leading a small group of men and women on an overnight to learn about some aspect of Christian faith. This spring we’ll be focusing on learning how to pray. Being in natural surroundings opens up the heart to hear God through the absence of city noise and the appreciation of God’s creation.
Epiphany’s Rector Announces Retirement Plans
“As I have walked the journey of my vocation as a priest, I’ve been increasingly aware of the need to know when it is time to step down in parish ministry and finish well. That time has come for Penny and me. I’ve met with both wardens, submitted my intention to retire from parish ministry on August 30 and asked the Vestry to pray with Penny and me as we step out in faith. With the guidance of Bishop Guernsey, the Wardens and Vestry will work on a transition plan that will assure continuity of care for our people as well as continuation of the wonderful worship and ministry of Epiphany.”
Choral Evensong is May 4 – Featuring Music by Vaughan Williams and Shephard
Prayer and sung praise led by the choir is the essence of this service. If you have never experienced Evensong, please come and be with us to this holy and peaceful close of the day and the beginning of your week.
Sports Camp 2014 Sign Up
Registration is now open for Epiphany’s free summer sports camp which is held at Lutie Lewis Coates Elementary school for rising kindergarten through sixth graders. This year’s camp will be August 4-8.
Stewardship at Epiphany: About Those “No-Name” Pledges
Those of us who have been at Epiphany for a few years, take the “No Name Pledge” approach for granted. However during my first Epiphany pledge drive I was very surprised by the whole concept. So how do “No-Name Pledges” work?
Extra Food Needed for Coates Elementary Kids This Month
Normally, our goal is 100 bags per month. However, this month, due to Spring Break, Coates Elementary School has asked for 150 bags to try to cover more days to help these young children have something to eat. Last month we only had 60 bags filled.
Learn about Uganda Christian University March 18
There is a chance to learn about Uganda Christian University, which is supported by Church of the Epiphany’s missions committee, at the church on March 18. An RSVP for this evening, which includes a light supper, is necessary.
Ash Wednesday Services Are Noon and 7:30 PM
“I invite you therefore, in the name of the Church, to the observance of a Holy Lent, by self-examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting and self-denial; and by reading and meditating on God’s holy Word…”
Epiphany will be beginning the season of Lent on Wednesday March 5, with two Ash Wednesday services at noon and 7:30 pm. Plan to attend one of these powerful and reflective services.
“What is the Bible?” Teaching Series Now Online (Video)
Have you ever wondered what to make of all the claims and counter-claims about the reliability of the Bible, where it came from, and what makes a good translation? Fr. Michael Guernsey taught a class that covered these topics and more this past January. And now, through the work of our audio/visual volunteers, videos of that four part class are available both online and on DVD.